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MODULAR ANALYTICS Serum Work Area (in USA Integrated MODULAR ANALYTICS, MODULAR ANALYTICS is a trademark of a member of the Roche Group) represents a further approach to automation in the laboratory medicine. This instrument combines previously introduced modular systems for the clinical chemistry and immunochemistry laboratory and allows customised combinations for various laboratory workloads. Functionality, practicability, and workflow behaviour of MODULAR ANALYTICS Serum Work Area were evaluated in an international multicenter study at six laboratories. Across all experiments, 236000 results from 32400 samples were generated using 93 methods. Simulated routine testing which included provocation incidents and anomalous situations demonstrated good performance and full functionality. Heterogeneous immunoassays, performed on the E-module with the electrochemiluminescence technology, showed reproducibility at the same level of the general chemistry tests, which was well within the clinical demands. Sample carryover cannot occur due to intelligent sample processing. Workflow experiments for the various module combinations, with menus of about 50 assays, yielded mean sample processing times of <38 minutes for combined clinical chemistry and immunochemistry requests; <50 minutes including automatically repeated samples. MODULAR ANALYTICS Serum Work Area offered simplified workflow by combining various laboratory segments. It increased efficiency while maintaining or even improving quality of laboratory processes.
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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Journal of Automated Methods and Management in Chemistry
Volume 2008, Article ID 498921, 14 pages
Research Article
Increasing Efficiency and Quality by Consolidation of
Clinical Chemistry and Immunochemistry Systems with
Paolo Mocarelli,
Gary L. Horowitz,
Pier Mario Gerthoux,
Rossana Cecere,
Roland Imdahl,
Janneke Ruinemans-Koerts,
Hilmar Luthe,
Silvia Pesudo Calatayud,
Marie Luisa Salve,
Albert K unst,
Margaret McGovern,
Katherine Ng,
and Wolfgang Stockmann
University Department of Laboratory Medicine, Hospital of Desio, Via Benefattori 2, 20033 Desio Milano, Italy
Department of Pathology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA 02215-5400, USA
Gemeinschaftspraxis Dr. med. Bernd Schottdorf u.a., 86154 Augsburg, Germany
Department of Clinical Chemistry, Ziekenhuis Rijnstate Arnhem, 6800 TA Arnhem, The Netherlands
Department of Clinical Chemistry, Georg-August-University G
ottingen, 37075 G
ottingen, Germany
Hospital de la Plana, Vila Real, 1254 Castell
o, Spain
Roche Diagnost ics GmbH, Sandhofer Street 116, 68305 Mannheim, Germany
Roche Diagnostics Operations, Inc., 9115 Hague Road, P.O. Box 50416, Indianapolis, IN 46250, USA
Correspondence should be addressed to Paolo Mocarelli,
Received 25 October 2007; Accepted 19 December 2007
Recommended by Peter Stockwell
mark of a member of the Roche Group) represents a further approach to automation in the laboratory medicine. This instrument
combines previously introduced modular systems for the clinical chemistry and immunochemistry laboratory and allows cus-
tomised combinations for various laboratory workloads. Functionality, practicability, and workflow behaviour of MODULAR
ANALYTICS Serum Work Area were evaluated in an international multicenter study at six laboratories. Across all experiments,
236000 results from 32400 samples were generated using 93 methods. Simulated routine testing which included provocation inci-
dents and anomalous situations demonstrated good performance and full functionality. Heterogeneous immunoassays, performed
on the E-module with the electrochemiluminescence technology, showed reproducibility at the same level of the general chemistry
tests, which was well within the clinical demands. Sample carryover cannot occur due to intelligent sample processing. Workflow
experiments for the various module combinations, with menus of about 50 assays, yielded mean sample processing times of <38
minutes for combined clinical chemistry and immunochemistry requests; < 50 minutes including automatically repeated samples.
MODULAR ANALY TICS Serum Work Area off ered simplified workflow by combining various laboratory segments. It increased
effi ciency while maintaining or even improving quality of laboratory processes.
Copyright © 2008 Paolo Mocarelli et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
The clinical laboratory is arguably the frontrunner in apply-
ing scientific discoveries and technical innovations to patient
care. For example, there are not only far more tests read-
ily available now compared to just twenty years ago but also
the tests themselves have increased sensitivity and specificity
(e.g., hs-CRP, ferritin). It has been estimated that about 65%
of medical decisions are based on laboratory tests [1 ].
Paradoxically, the clinical laboratory success has placed
it under even greater pressure to produce more and better
test results, with shorter turnaround times and at lower costs.
As clinical laboratories have evolved, they have relied heav-
ily on automation. By moving from manual assays of single
analytes to random access, multichannel, automated instru-
ments, and more tests can be done, more frequently, with
fewer people. As noted in recent publications, by combin-
ing several of these instruments into a novel single platform
2 Journal of Automated Methods and Management in Chemistry
Rerun lane
Connection to
pre -analytics
Main lane
Connection to
post -analytics
Processing lane Processing lane
module D, P, E module D, P, E module
× 150 tubes)
× 150 tubes)
buff er
buff er
buff er
ISE module is embedded in the core unit
Figure 1: Schematic structure of MODULAR system.
for the clinical chemistry [2 ] and for the immunochemistry
laboratory [3 ], these analysers represented a new degree of
However, there has been little integration of traditional
clinical chemistry (ISE, spectrophotometry, homogeneous
immunoassay) and heterogeneous immunoassay. From an
analytical and technology perspective, the separation of the
two types of analysers may make sense. But, from a medi-
cal perspective, of course, the separation is entirely artificial.
For the patient in the emergency room, the physician needs
to know the troponin and the potassium. For the oncology
patient, the physician needs to know the CEA as well as the
calcium. Does it make sense to draw two tubes of blood to
insure quick turnaround time by running the sample on two
analysers simultaneously? Or, if just one tube is drawn, is it
the only solution to insure quick turnaround time by asking a
technologist to make sure that, as soon as the tube is finished
on the chemistry analyser, it gets placed on the immunoas-
say analyser to be analysed there? With either scenario, there
are inherent ineffi ciencies, as compared to running a single
tube on a single system for all the requested tests. MODU-
ALYTICS, IMA), thereafter MODULAR system, represents
the integration of comprehensive systems for traditional clin-
ical chemistry and for heterogeneous immunoassays into a
single system for essentially all chemistry analytes.
Here we present the results of our studies at 6 laboratories
with a single system processing a selection of 30 to 50 diff er-
ent tests for clinical chemistry, specific proteins, therapeutic
drugs, and immunochemistry determination.
Our goals were to
(1) evaluate the functionality and practicability of the
(2) determine whether improved efficiency would be re-
alized by integrating clinical chemistry with heteroge-
neous immunoassay testing;
(3) test for possible effects on the quality of results (repro-
ducibility, carryover) due to consolidation.
In addition, we predicted that there would be a reduction of
sample splitting, the elimination of multiple user interfaces,
and a reduction of hands-on labour.
Experiments were performed on MODULAR system in
five laboratories over a period of five months. At a sixth site,
a larger hardware configuration was tested afterwards.
MODULAR ANALYTICS Serum Work Area combines pre-
viously evaluated modular systems for clinical chemistry
and immunochemistry: MODULAR ANALYTICS
D,P and
E [2, 3 ].
The MODULAR system consists of a control unit, a core
unit with a bidirectional multitrack rack transportation sys-
tem, and four kinds of analytical modules—an ISE module
for the electrolytes Na, K, and Cl with a maximum through-
put of 900 tests/hour, a P800 module with a capacity of 44
spectrophotometric tests on board and a maximum through-
put of 800 tests/hour, a D2400 module with 16 spectrophoto-
metric tests and a maximum throughput of 2400 tests/hour,
and an E170 module using the electrochemiluminescence
technology with a capacity of 25 immunochemistry reagents
on board and a throughput of up to 170 tests/hour. The
configurations of MODULAR system are versatile and al-
low customised module combinations for various laboratory
workload patterns. Of the several available hardware combi-
nations, three diff erent combinations of the clinical chem-
istry modules D and P and the immunochemistry module
E were evaluated at the six sites (3
DPE); all systems included an ISE module. Figure 1 shows
the schematic structure of MODULAR system.
The instruments used in the diff erent laboratories for
comparison with MODULAR system during the workflow
P, PP, E,Elec-
sys 2010 (Elecsys is a trademark of a member of the Roche
group), Hitachi 747 and 917, all from Roche Diagnostics
(Mannheim, Germany), the BNA II protein analyser from
Dade Behring (Liederbach, Germany), the ADVIA Centaur
and ACS: 180 from Bayer (Tarrytown, NY, USA) and the
AxSYM from Abbott Laboratories, (Abbott Park, Illinois,
The methods selected for the workflow studies covering
oratory are summarised in Ta bl e 1 . For the imprecision runs
and functionality testing, only a subset of these methods was
Paolo Mocarelli et al. 3
Table 1: List of analytes used during the performance evaluation and within-run imprecision for selected analytes (cells with a CV number:
analytes were used for within-run imprecision, x: analytes were added for the workflow experiments; CS1 control serum PNU from Roche,
HS human serum pool, HU human urine pool, analyte concentrations within or slightly above reference range; CS pool, control serum of a
low- and high-level control).
Assays Method Units Material
Lab 1
Lab 2
Lab 3
Lab 4
Lab 5
Lab 6
Electrolyte assays
NA Sodium (ISE-indirect) mmol/l CS 1 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.4 0.3 (0.7)
K Potassium (ISE-indirect) mmol/l CS 1 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.4 2.4
CL Chloride (ISE-indirect) mmol/l CS 1 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.7 (1.0)
Enzyme assays
ACP Acid phosphatase U/l x x 4.5
A Alkaline phosphatase AMP U/l CS 1 0.9 3.4
I Alkaline phosphatase IFCC U/l CS 1 0.7 x 3.4
Alkaline phosphatase
U/lCS1x1 x3.4
Alanine aminotransferase
IFCC, wo Pyp
U/l CS 1 2.5 x 2.4 2.4 13.6
Alanine aminotransferase
IFCC, w Pyp
U/l CS 1 2.5 x 13.6
Aspartate aminotransferase
IFCC wo Pyp
U/l CS 1 x 3.3 2.2 2.1 7.2
Aspartate aminotransferase
IFCC w Pyp
U/l CS 1 x 2.1 7.2
Amylase total EPS
(ethylidene protected
U/l CS 1 0.7 x x 0.6 0.6 3.7
P-AMY Amylase pancreatic EPS U/l CS 1 0.8 5.9
U/l x x x x 3.5
Creatine kinase, NAC
activated (N-acetylcysteine)
U/l CS 1 0.6 0.8 x x 0.7 x 20.7
CK-MB—MB isoenzyme of
creatine kinase
U/l CS 1 2.3 x x x
γ-Glutamyl transferase
(procedure by
U/l CS 1 x x 1.8 1.6 x 1.7 7.4
GLDH Glutamate dehydrogenase U/l x x
Lactate dehydrogenase-1-
U/l x
Lactate dehydrogenase
U/lCS1x0.4x0.7 x3.9
LD Lactate dehydrogenase U/l CS 1 1 3.9
LIP Lipase colorimetric U/l CS 1 1 1 0.8 11.6
Substrate assays
Albumin (BCG, bromcresol
green, plus)
g/l CS 1 x 0.8 x 1.2 1.1 (2.8)
Bilirubin direct
Bilirubin total (DPD,
μmol/l CS 1 x x x x 1.9 x 11.3
CHOL Cholesterol (CHOD-PAP) mmol/l CS 1 0.8 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.4 2.7
HDL High-density lipoproteins mmol/l CS 1 0.8 0.9 x 0.9 x 3.6
LDL Low-density lipoproteins mmol/l CS 1 0.6 x x
4 Journal of Automated Methods and Management in Chemistry
Table 1: Continued.
Assays Method Units Material
Lab 1
Lab 2
Lab 3
Lab 4
Lab 5
Lab 6
Creatinine (Jaff
e, rate
μmol/l CS 1 2.4 1.4 1.9 1.1 1.8 2.2
Creatinine (enzymatic,
μmol/l x
P Glucose (GOD-PAP) mmol/l CS 1 0.8 0.9 2.2
H Glucose (hexokinase) mmol/l CS 1 0.9 0.7 1.0 1.0 0.6 2.2
FE Iron (FerroZine method) μ mol/l CS 1 0.5 x 0.7 1.2 x x 15.9
LACT Lactate (colorimetric) mmol/l CS 1 0.7 0.9 13.6
Total protein (biuret
TG Triacylglycerol (GPO-PAP) mmol/l CS 1 1.1 1.3 0.9 1.2 1.2 0.7 11.5
UREA UREA/BUN (UV, kinetic) mmol/l CS 1 1.8 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.3 1.7 6.3
UA Uric acid (PAP, plus) μ mol/l CS 1 x 0.5 1.6 0.6 1.0 1.0 4.2
CO2 Bicarbonate (UV, kinetic) mmol/l CS 1 1.6 2.3 (4.9)
Calcium (OCPC,
mmol/l CS 1 0.8 1.1 0.7 0.9 1.1 x 0.9 (1.5)
Magnesium (xylidyl blue
mmol/l CS 1 0.7 0.7 1.0 x 1.1 (2.6)
Phosphorus (molybdate,
mmol/l CS 1 x 1.1 x x 1.4 x 4
Protein assays
α1-acid-glycoprotein (TIA,
Tina-quant a)
g/l HS Pool 0.7 x 5.7
α1-antitrypsin (TIA,
Tina-quant a)
g/l x 3.0
β2-microglobulin (TIA,
Tina-quant a)
μg/ml x 3.0
Antistreptolysin O (LPIA,
Tina-quant a)
IU/ml HS Pool 0.6 1.0
Complement protein C3c
(TIA, Tina-quant a)
g/l HS Pool x 1.3
Complement protein C4
(TIA, Tina-quant a)
g/l x x
Ceruloplasmin (TIA,
Tina-quant a)
g/l x
C-reactive protein (TIA,
Tina-quant a)
mg/l HS Pool x 0.8 x x 1.2 1.3 26.3
Ferritin (LPIA, Tina-quant
μg/l HS Pool 2.3 7.5
Glycated haemoglobin A1c
(TIA, Tina-quant a)
%HSPool 1.1
Haptoglobin (TIA,
Tina-quant a)
g/l HS Pool 0.9 1.1 x 10.2
Immunoglobulin G (TIA,
Tina-quant a)
g/l CS 1 x 2.5 2.0 2.6 1.9 1.9 (3.7)
Immunoglobulin A (TIA,
Tina-quant a)
g/l CS 1 x 1.5 0.8 x 1.1 2.2 (3.8)
Immunoglobulin M (TIA,
Tina-quant a)
g/l CS 1 x 1.7 1.7 x 1.3 2.3 (5.4)
Immunoglobulin E (TIA,
Tina-quant a)
μg/l x x
KAPPA Kappa (TIA, Tina-quant a) g/l x
Paolo Mocarelli et al. 5
Table 1: Continued.
Assays Method Units Material
Lab 1
Lab 2
Lab 3
Lab 4
Lab 5
Lab 6
Lambda (TIA, Tina-quant
g/l x
Myoglobin (TIA,
Tina-quant a)
μg/l x
Prealbumin (TIA,
Tina-quant a)
IU/ml HS Pool 2.2 5.5
Rheumatoid factor (LPIA,
Tina-quant a)
IU/ml HS Pool 0.5 0.8 0.6 0.9 4.3
Transferrin (TIA,
Tina-quant a)
g/l CS 1 x 1.5 1.4 x 1.9 x 1.5
TDM assays
CARB Carbamazepine (CEDIA) μmol/l x
DIG Digoxin (LPIA) nmol/l HS Pool 2.0 3.8 (4.7)
GENT Gentamicin II (CEDIA) μmol/l x
NAPA NAPA (CEDIA) μmol/l x
PHENO Phenobarbital II (CEDIA) μmol/l x
PHNY Phenytoin II (CEDIA) μmol/l x
PROC Procainamide (CEDIA) μmol/l x
SAL Salicylate (iron complex) mmol/l x
THEO Theophylline II (CEDIA) μmol/l x
VALP Valproic Acid II (CEDIA) μ mol/l HS Pool 2.0 6.4
Urine assays
0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 14.4
0.4 0.8 0.4 1.2 9.0
0.8 1.3 0.6 0.6
AMY Amylase liquid-urine U/l
0.7 x
Creatinine Jaff
0.8 1.0 1.2 5.5
Creatinine (enzymatic,
0.9 5.5
H Glucose (hexokinase)-urine mmol/l
1.9 1.2 1.4 1.5
Uric Acid (PAP,
0.9 0.9 0.7 x
Calcium (OCPC,
3.0 1.6 x 13.1
Magnesium (xylidyl blue
1.0 x 19.2
Phosphorus (molybdate,
1.2 1.6 x 9.0
Protein in
urine/CSF(turbidim., rate)
0.8 x 0.7 17.8
Tina-quant a)
1.3 x 18
Immunochemistry assays
T3 Triiodothyronine nmol/l CS Pool x 1.4 x 0.8 4.0 (4.7)
6 Journal of Automated Methods and Management in Chemistry
Table 1: Continued.
Assays Method Units Material
Lab 1
Lab 2
Lab 3
Lab 4
Lab 5
Lab 6
T4 Thyroxine nmol/l CS Pool 2.7 x 1.5 3.4 (4.1)
FT3 Free triiodothyronine pmol/l CS Pool 1.5 2.0 4.0
FT4 Free thyroxine pmol/l CS Pool x 1.7 x x 0.9 3.8
hormone, thyreotropin
mIU/l CS Pool x 2.1 0.8 1.1 1.1 0.6 8.1
DIGIT Digitoxin nmol/l CS Pool 2.5
DIGO Digoxin nmol/l CS Pool 2.8 3.8 (4.7)
N-terminal B-type
natriuretic peptide
pmol/l HS Pool 0.5
TNT Troponin T μ g/l CS Pool 1.0 1.1
E Ferritin μ g/l CS Pool x x 2.1 0.9 1.6 7.5
FOLAT Folate nmol/l CS Pool x x x 3.9 1.7
B12 Vitamin B12 pmol/l CS Pool 1.8 x x 2.6
AFP α 1-fetoprotein μ g/lCSPoolxx0.9x1.8
125 Cancer antigen 125 kU/l CS Pool x x x 0.9 1.0 6.8
153 Cancer antigen 15-3 kU/l CS Pool 1.1 x x x 2.6
199 Cancer antigen 19-9 kU/l CS Pool 0.9 x x 12.3
CEA Carcinoembryonic antigen μ g/l CS Pool x x 1.2 1.3 4.6
Total prostate-specific
μg/lCSPoolxx0.5x2.3 9.1
Free prostate-specific
μg/l CS Pool 0.8 1.0 x
CORT Cortisol nmol/l CS Pool 1.6 1.0 x 7.6
μmol/l CS Pool 2.5 x 1.7
E2 Estradiol pmol/l CS Pool 1.6 1.7 x 1.7 10.9
Follicle stimulating
IU/l CS Pool x 0.9 1.3 x 5.1
HCG + β
Human chorionic
gonadotropin + β -subunit
IU/l CS Pool 1.8 1.2 1.2
LH Luteinizing hormone IU/l CS Pool x 1.1 x x 6.2
PROG Progesterone nmol/l CS Pool x 1.2 9.8
PRL Prolactin mIU/l CS Pool x 1.2 x x 3.5
PTH Parathyroid hormone pmol/l x x x
INS Insulin pmol/l CS Pool 2.3 1.6 7.6
TESTO Testosterone pmol/l 1.4 1.6 x 4.4
References [10 , 11 ], values in italics: from Ric
os et al. [12 ]; values in parentheses: interim quality specifications.
processed at each laboratory. The reagents for MODULAR
system were the respective system packs from Roche Diag-
nostics. The calibration of the tests was done according to the
requirements set by the manufacturer using the calibration
materials from Roche Diagnostics. The daily quality control
was performed with control sera also provided by the manu-
Depending on the analyte, either control material or
human specimen pools were used for the imprecision and
routine simulation imprec i sion experiments. Samples for the
workflow experiments included serum, heparinized plasma
and urine from the daily routine.
The performance evaluation was supported by CAEv, a
program for Computer Aided Evaluation [4 ]. This program
allows the definition of experiments, the sample and test re-
quests, on-line/off -line data transmission, and the immedi-
ate data validation by the evaluators.
3.1. Within-run imprecision
Two control materials (serum, urine) with diff erent con-
centrations of the analyte (or, for some analytes, a human
Paolo Mocarelli et al. 7
Table 2: Overview of processed workloads at the participating laboratories. (For explanation see materials and methods section, workflow
Average re-
quests per
Sample distribution
Total number of
samples/ requests
Routine compared
11 (1–36)
CC only: 232
299 samples
Ye s ,
30 on P
Eonly: 18
3281 requests
P800 + E170
11 on E
CC + E: 49
11 (1–27)
CC only: 381
555 samples
Ye s ,
41 on PP
Eonly: 14
5839 requests
PP + 2
15 on E
CC + E: 160
4 on E2010
9 (1–35)
CC only: 287
399 samples
28 on P
Eonly: 33
3422 requests
17 on E
CC + E: 79
8 (1–21)
CC only: 318
531 samples
26 on P
Eonly: 87
4003 requests
16 on E
CC + E: 126
6 (1–22)
CC only: 369
573 samples
Ye s ,
39 on PP
Eonly: 63
3668 requests
H917 + H747 + 3 instr. with CLIA + RIA
19 on E
CC + E: 141
9 (1–29)
CC only: 1428
1951 samples
12 on D
Eonly: 77
16805 requests
25 on P
CC + E: 446
(E2010 = Elecsys 2010; Elecsys is a trademark of a member of the Roche group; CLIA = chemiluminescence immunoassay; RIA = radio immunoassay.)
specimen pool at the diagnostic decision level) were used.
The experiment was performed on two days with 21 aliquots
per run.
3.2. Precision in a simulated routine run
Experiments for routine simulation are designed for func-
tionality testing of an analytical system in the clinical labora-
tory. The protocol [5 ] has proven to be a useful tool during
various analyser evaluations [6 ].
This particular experiment tests for potential systematic
or random errors by comparing the imprecision of the ref-
erence results (standard batch, n
= 15) with results from
samples run in a pattern simulating routine sampling (ran-
domized sample requests, n>10). The randomized sample
requests were simulated in CAEv [4 ] according to each labo-
ratory's routine sampling pattern. The samples were control
materials or patient sample pools. The number of requests
varied with module combination, but was aimed at keeping
the analyser in operation for at least four hours. The second
and third of the three experiments processed at each site in-
cluded provocation incidents like reagent or sample shortage,
3.3. Sample carryover
Potential sample related carryover was investigated using a
slightly modified version of the Broughton protocol [7 ]. Only
analytes with a very high physiological concentration range
were tested. Ideally, the ratio of the concentrations of the
high and low samples should be, depending on the analyte,
to 10
. Three aliquots of a high concentration sample
, h
, h
of a low concentration sample (l
··· l
The sequence h
was repeated five times.
Each sample was measured on the ISE module first, then
on the D and/or P module, and finally on the E170 mod-
ule, thereby insuring that reusable pipette probes were intro-
duced multiple times prior to sampling on the E170 mod-
ule, where disposable (nonreusable) pipette tips are used.
If a carry-over e ff ect from the ISE and D/P module sam-
ple probes exists, the l
will be the most influenced, and the
will be the least influenced aliquot when measured on E-
module. The carry-over eff ects were compared with the im-
precision of the low concentration samples and the diag-
nostic relevance of the respective E-module assays. Potential
sample carryover of the following analytes was tested: AFP,
CEA, ferritin, anti-HAV, HBsAg, hCG + ß, and t-PSA.
3.4. Workflow study
The participating sites performed this study to investigate
whether or not MODULAR system met their routine labo-
ratory specific needs, especially for improved effi ciency. As
shown in Ta ble 2 , module combination, analyte assignment,
tests per sample, numbers of samples, samples per module,
8 Journal of Automated Methods and Management in Chemistry
Table 3: Sample related carryover with high priority test option off . With high priority test option on, sample carryover cannot occur. (For
explanation see results section, sample-related carryover.)
10% of lower
decision level
Lower detec-
tion limit
Ratio high :
Max. diff low
(if > 2SD)
over, high
priority o ff
over, high
priority on
AFP < 6.2 μ g/l 0.62 μg/l 0.6 μ g/l 40871 0.62 Native yes No
CEA < 4.6 μ g/l 0.46 μg/l 0.2 μ g/l 16197 7.64 Spiked yes No
PSA <4 μg/l 0.4 μg/l 0.002 μ g/l 756 0.20 Spiked yes No
∼15–400 μ g/l 1.5 μg/l 0.5 μ g/l 969 2.00 Spiked no No
HCG + β< 5 mIU/ml 0.5 mIU/ml 0.1 mIU/ml 117000 1.30 Native yes No
a-HAV < 20 IU/l 2.0 IU/l 3.0 IU/l 1184 0.25 Native no No
HbsAg < 1.0 COI 0.1 COI 285106 0.44 Native yes
and tests per module, were very diff erent at each laboratory.
Three methods were used to capture the test requests on sam-
ples so that the same testing could be repeated on MODU-
LAR system. Test requests were either downloaded from the
laboratory's LIS to CAEv, captured directly by CAEv from
several analysers during routine operation or CAEv provided
a "characteristic" request list by simulation based on typical
test frequencies and profiles of the laboratory. In all cases, the
same sample set, usually a predefined substantial portion of
a day's workload was processed on MODULAR system.
Samples were loaded on MODULAR system chronolog-
ically as they appeared in the lab to mimic the laboratory's
routine pattern of receiving samples. All relevant time steps
and workload related activities like sample and reagent han-
dling, instrument preparation, loading and reloading of sam-
ple racks, and technologist time (both hands-on and walk-
away) were measured.
3.5. Practicability
Practicability of the system was assessed throughout the
study. A questionnaire—a supplement to the general ques-
tionnaire [8 ], which was previously used for the assessment
of the single modules—was designed especially for a consol-
idated sample working area. This allowed for a standardized
grading with the main focus on aspects of clinical chemistry
and immunochemistry consolidation and new software fea-
3.6. Expected performance
The protocol included expected performance criteria which
were agreed upon at the evaluators' first meeting. The criteria
for imprecision were based on state-of-the-art performance,
routine requirements of the laboratories, and statistical error
propagation [9 ].
Across all experiments, 236000 results from 32400 samples
were generated using 93 methods.
4.1. Imprecision
The within-run imprecision met the expected performance
criteria at virtually all sites. Typical within-run CVs for the
enzyme and substrate analytes were 1 to 2%, for the ion selec-
tive electrode (ISE) methods 0.5%, for the specific proteins
and drug analytes 1 to 3%, for the urine chemistry methods
1 to 2%, and for the heterogeneous immunoassays (with the
indication: thyroid, cardiac, anaemia, tumour markers and
fertility)1to3%( Tab le 1 ).
4.2. Functionality testing
The six laboratories performed 44668 determinations during
the random part of the routine simulation covering 87 ana-
lytes in 733 series. CVs obtained from the precision in a sim-
ulated routine r un experiment for the various assay groups
(ISEs, enzymes/substrates, urine analytes, proteins/TDMs,
and heterogeneous immunoassays) were summarized in dis-
tribution diagrams for the reference (batch part) and ran-
dom part (see Figure 2 ). Out of all 733 series, 13 (1.8%)
showed higher CVs than the expected limit in the random
part (9 in the enzyme/substrate group, 2 in the urine and the
immunoassay groups). Seven of these CVs were only mod-
erately increased (1 to 2% higher than the limit). Of the
remaining 6 series (5.3 to 22.8% CV), the highest CV was
caused by an unexplainable, nonreproducible outlier with a
very low result in one series of the albumin in urine test. With
the outlier removed, the CV was 1.2%. In all cases, the higher
CVs were observed in only one of the three simulated routine
series per laboratory (with tests like lipase, uric acid, albu-
min in urine and CA125) and there was no association with
any malfunction of the instrument or reagent. A software is-
sue associated with the E-module masking/unmasking dur-
ing a provocation was also identified during these experi-
ments (shift of the results with the FT3 assay).
4.3. Sample-related carryover
Ta ble 3 summarizes the carry-over eff ects seen when the high
priority settings were intentionally turned off for a group
Paolo Mocarelli et al. 9
Electrolytes: 3 analytes, 52 data sets
Distribution of CVs in batch part
0. 511 .522 .53 > 3
0. 511 .522 .53 > 3
CV (%) CV (%)
Distribution of CVs in random part
Special proteins/TDMs: 16 analytes, 96 data sets
Distribution of CVs in batch part
99% 1%
1234 5678 > 8
12345678 > 8
CV (%) CV (%)
Distribution of CVs in random part
Enzymes/substrate: 26 analytes, 328 data sets
Distribution of CVs in batch part
12345678 > 8
1234 5678 > 8
CV (%) CV (%)
Distribution of CVs in random part
Heterogenous immunoassays: 29 analytes, 161 data sets
Distribution of CVs in batch part
12345678 > 8
99% 1%
12345678 > 8
CV (%) CV (%)
Distribution of CVs in random part
Urines: 13 analytes, 96 data sets
Distribution of CVs in batch part
12345678 > 8
98% 2%
12345678 > 8
CV (%) CV (%)
Distribution of CVs in random part
Figure 2: Precision in a simulated routine run; distribution of 733 within-run CVs in reference (batch) and random parts; replicates n
in reference part 15 as follows: (i) expected performance limit for w ithin-run imprecision (solid line) (ii) expected performance limit for
randomised runs (dashed line).
10 Journal of Automated Methods and Management in Chemistry
Frequency (no. of samples)
Sample processing time (h:min)
SWA: IC requests only
Routine: IC requests only
SWA: CC requests only
Routine: CC requests only
SWA: CC + IC requests
Routine: CC + IC requests
Figure 3: SPT on MODULAR system and dedicated routine anal-
ysers representing 40% of a daily routine workload.
of tests that were considered high risk for sample carryover.
Only results from laboratories with the highest concentration
ratio (high/low) are included in the table. For the 7 assays for
which we expected to see sample-related carryover because of
the wide dynamic range of the analytes, our testing indicated
potentially clinically relevant problems with 5 (AFP, CEA,
HBsAg, HCG + ß, and t-PSA). By utilizing the "high prior-
ity test" option, samples with requests for these assays, which
also had requests for ISE, D, and/or P module tests, were au-
tomatically processed at the E-module first, eliminating the
possibility for carryover to occur for these samples and tests.
In the other two (ferritin and anti
HAV), neither criterion
for carryover was met (more than 10% of the (lower) medi-
cal decision level, or exceeding the 2 SD value). According to
investigations of the manufacturer, two additional carry-over
sensitive infectious disease assays were identified: anti-HBs
and anti-HBc.
4.4. Workflow
PE, PPE, DPE)andtest
menu configurations used at the diff erent laboratories were
selected to meet their specific workload demands. An
overview is presented in Ta ble 2 . To reflect true routine con-
ditions, the samples were placed on the system in a se-
quence mimicking the original arrival pattern in the labora-
tory, rather than continuously, to test the system's potential
sample loading capacity. The resulting cumulative through-
put was up to 800 results/hour using
PE module combi-
nations and up to 1580 results/hour for
PPE module com-
binations. A throughput of approximately 2160 results/hour
was yielded on the
DPE module combination in labora-
tory 6. In most of the laboratories, the number of samples
processed was not enough to reach the system's maximum
throughput capacity.
In addition to throughput, we looked carefully at sample
processing time (SPT), the time between sample registration
(barcode reading on the instrument) and the time the last
Time on analyser from registration
to last result (h:min)
Diagram shows only a part of the whole workload
Sample number
ISE rerun
Figure 4: SPT with focus on availability of rerun results.
result for that sample is produced. Note that SPT diff ers from
sample turnaround time (TAT), a commonly used term to
describe the time period from when the samples arrive in the
laboratory and the availability of the last result.
The following mean sample processing times were found
for the diff erent sample groups in five laboratories:
(i) 13–18 minutes for samples with general chemistry
requests only (ISE + P or ISE + P1 + P2),
(ii) 22–28 minutes for samples with immunoassay re-
quests only (E),
(iii) 29–38 minutes for samples with combined requests
(ISE + P + E or ISE + P1 + P2 + E).
The mean SPTs obtained with a
DPE combination were
comparable: 16 minutes for ISE + D + P, 26 minutes for E,
and 27 minutes for ISE + D + P + E.
We compared SPT of MODULAR
PPE with the cur-
rent six dedicated routine analysers for a predetermined time
period, representing approximately 40% of a day's workload
in laboratory 5. Figure 3 shows that the time to results for
samples with clinical chemistry requests on MODULAR sys-
tem is comparable with that of the dedicated routine anal-
ysers (mean time 15 minutes, 80th percentile 20 minutes,
maximum 38 minutes). Samples with combined requests
for both clinical chemistry and immunochemistry were pro-
cessed faster (mean time 34 minutes, 80th percentile 40 min-
utes, maximum 1 hour) than on the dedicated analysers
(mean time 46 minutes, 80th percentile 58 minutes, maxi-
mum 1.8 hours).
Depending on test, module and number of racks waiting
in the rerun buff er, rerun results are reported 10–35 minutes
after availability of first results. An example of typical pro-
cessing times to first results and to final results (including
rerun samples) is shown in Figure 4.
MODULAR SWA supports "reflex testing," if the lab-
oratory information system (LIS) off ers this functionality.
Frequently practiced for certain indication fields, this fea-
ture allows the automatic request of a further analyte, if a
Paolo Mocarelli et al. 11
Time on analyser from registration
to last result (h:min)
Diagram shows only a part of the whole workload
Sample number
Reflex testing: TNT + CK-MB
Figure 5: SPT with focus on reflex testing.
predefined concentration or concentration range of the orig-
inally requested analyte is exceeded. Examples are as follows:
If TSH < 0.27 or > 4.2 mIU/L, FT4 is determined in addition,
if PSA > 4.0 μg/L, free PSA is also measured and so on. Even
though it may no longer be as clinically relevant, reflex test-
ing functionality was assessed using a combination of P-and
E-requests: CK
a sample with two additional reflex tests was increased by 30
to 55 minutes (Figure 5 ).
Does the sample carry-over setting, which tags the assay
in question automatically as high priority by the system, in-
fluence the SPT? We compared samples having combined re-
quests (on P- and E-module) with and without high prior-
ity assays. With auto rerun off, there was no result delay. The
processing times were increased by 10–15 minutes with auto
rerun activated, where processing on P module was delayed
until final E-module results were available.
Maintenance and troubleshooting are activities which
may also considerably influence the daily workflow. For a
modular system, the question arises whether the entire sys-
tem or only the aff ected module is blocked in order to rem-
edy a problem after, for example, a sampling stop alarm. This
type of alarm results in the module discontinuing pipetting
of samples. The diff erent time steps for two such alarms were
monitored on a
PPE combination at one site. For a pro-
voked tip/vessel pickup-error on the E-module, the elapsed
time from getting the alarm, allowing the module to finish
the tests in process, taking the module down, then fixing the
problem, and getting the module back into operation was a
total of 35 minutes; for a provoked abnormal cap mechanism
movement 22 minutes. While the E-module was unavailable,
the ISE and P-modules continued to process samples, and
samples requiring E-module tests were stored in the rerun
buff er to be run automatically when the E-module came back
An important aspect of instrument consolidation on a
single platform is reduction in personnel hands-on time. In
laboratory 5, we compared hands-on time associated with
MODULAR system with that of the 6 existing dedicated anal-
ysers. As shown in Figure 6 , the operators saved about 10
hours based on the sample workload; the main contribution
was sample handling time. MODULAR system was operated
by 1 technologist while the 6 dedicated analysers required 3
One of the participating laboratories (laboratory 1) sim-
ulated a workflow using MODULAR system as a dedicated
immunoassay analyser. Tests included 24 homogeneous tests
(10 specific proteins, 6 therapeutic drug tests, and 8 drugs
of abuse tests) on P-module and 18 heterogeneous assays
(thyroid, cardiac, anaemia, and tumour markers) on the E-
module, with samples loaded in a simulated routine-type
pattern. The average sample processing times for the vari-
ous request patterns were comparable with those mentioned
previously (< 35 minutes).
4.5. Practicability
With the aid of a questionnaire, the practicability of MOD-
ULAR system was graded as equally good (23% of all scores)
or even better (68%) compared to the evaluators' currently
used routine analysers.
Overall assessment of the experiments can be rated as posi-
tive. It was the first time that there was an opportunity during
an evaluation to combine various laboratory segments with
an extensive menu for general chemistry, specific proteins,
drugs, and immunochemistry on one platform.
5.1. Imprecision
Since analytical performance was previously verified for the
single MODULAR systems [2, 3 ], this study did not include
extensive analytical performance data. However, one or two
imprecision runs were processed for representative tests from
each analyte group to assure that the system was perform-
ing correctly. Typical within-run CVs of 1 to 3% across the
menu of nearly 90 tests were all within the expected perfor-
mance and can be rated as excellent. We can emphasize here
that the heterogeneous immunoassays performed with the
electrochemiluminescence technology showed reproducibil-
ity similar to the general chemistry tests and well within clin-
ical demands (see Ta ble 1 )[ 10–12].
5.2. Functionality
The overall low CVs for all analyte groups in the simulated
routine imprecision runs proved that general chemistry and
immunochemistry worked very well together, and, that even
under simulated stress routine conditions, there was no in-
dication of systematic or random errors. The 6 high CVs
of the routine simulation experiment occurred in only one
of 3 runs per laboratory, and there was no indication that
the deviant results were reproducible. The routine simula-
tion precision experiments demonstrated good performance
and full functionality of the instrument. Because of the sen-
sitivity of the experimental design, it was possible to iden-
tify one severe instrument problem associated with the E-
module masking/unmasking feature during provocation of
the analyser. The error was corrected with a software upgrade
12 Journal of Automated Methods and Management in Chemistry
Time (min)
Consumables &
waste handling
Quality control
To t a l
(sum routine
versus SWA)
Time (h:min)
AxSYM 1 and 2
RIA (manual)
Figure 6: Hands-on time on MODULAR system compared to dedicated routine analysers representing 40% of a daily routine workload.
and the correct implementation was confirmed with further
routine simulation runs at all sites. Throughout all other rou-
tine environment testing, the instruments reacted correctly
based on the routine simulation data.
5.3. Sample carryover
MODULAR system runs with new user software, combin-
ing and unifying the functionality and features of the sin-
gle modules and optimizing the processing of clinical chem-
istry and immunochemistry requests. For example, sample
carryover to some sensitive immunoassays cannot occur due
to intelligent sample processing whereby samples with re-
quests for carryover sensitive assays, referred to as high prior-
ity tests, are processed at the immunology module (E) first.
High priority tests are user-definable and do not delay pro-
cessing of other samples, even samples in the same sample
rack. As mentioned in the Results section, processing samples
with high priority requests with "Auto-rerun" activated took
15 minutes longer in comparison to the usual samples. This
however, reduced potential risks and eliminated any manual
operator intervention. If there are only very few specimens
with concentrations above the upper measuring range limit
of the high priority tests, the laboratory manager can decide
to deactivate auto-rerun without any high risk of quality loss
but with acceleration of result availability.
5.4. Workflow
Workflow depends strongly on the laboratory environment,
the sample loading pattern, and on the MODULAR configu-
ration. Our studies show that MODULAR system off ers the
flexibility to fit and meet the requirements of the individual
laboratory. The variations in throughput at the diff erent sites
can be explained by the lab-specific workloads and sample
loading patterns.
The processing times for the sample groups with general
or immunochemistry requests were similar to those known
from the respective stand-alone modules, thus showing that
there was no relevant increase when combining photomet-
ric/ISE and E-modules. In other words, the immunochem-
istry module did not slow down the clinical chemistry mod-
ules. An average processing time of approximately 35 min-
utes for the combined groupwasratedasbeingveryaccept-
able, bearing in mind that those samples were either mea-
sured sequentially on diff erent routine instruments or re-
quired additional hands-on times for splitting/aliquoting in
the routine with the current routine instrumentation. In fact,
when these additional times were included, as done in one
laboratory, the mean sample TAT decreased by three hours
(from 3.5 to 0.5 hours) using MODULAR system.
One laboratory used the
PE combination for simulat-
ing a dedicated immunoassay analyser covering various lab-
oratory segments. In this hospital there is a separate sample
collection and order process for certain analytes, which are
presently performed on a variety of single analysers. There-
fore, sample splitting is not necessary. The current dedicated
analysers for protein determinations, for drug monitoring or
tumour marker measurements could be replaced by a con-
solidated workstation, so that only one operator would be
needed to perform these various immunoassays. The labo-
ratory management assessed a 30 to 50% reduction of man-
power for this work on MODULAR system.
During the daily routine, a certain percentage of as-
says (usually < 5%) need a repetition of the analysis, be-
cause the measuring range or a defined repeat limit based
Paolo Mocarelli et al. 13
on laboratory policy is exceeded. The portion of repeat mea-
surements due to analytical range limitations on MODULAR
system is usually smaller than 0.5% [2 ]. MODULAR system
off ers a user selectable automatic rerun feature, which can be
activated or deactivated for each test.
The advantages of automatic rerun—no need for sam-
ple tracking, retrieval, elimination of manual sample predi-
lution, and no manual reloading—not only increased safety
of results by minimizing possible human error, but also re-
duced processing and hands-on times.
Also, the fact that MODULAR system supports reflex
testing simplifies the workflow. It is not necessary to wait for
the result validation and the confirmation from the ward to
perform the additional reflex assay. This is especially impor-
tant for outpatients since this procedure could avoid a second
hospital visit. Even if samples are held for further tests, reflex
testing is better than the alternatives—measuring for all tests
at the start or manual intervention to locate and transport
the samples. When including the benefits of automatic rerun
analysis and reflex testing , results were available within 30 to
70 minutes.
Since the time of this evaluation, the use of MODULAR
system has confirmed this data during a long period of rou-
tine work. When comparing the hands-on times captured at
the diff erent sites over one to two days, MODULAR system
yielded a clear advantage. Monitoring over an extended pe-
riod would be necessary to obtain more extensive data, but
this exceeded the scope of the study. Nevertheless, it is ob-
vious that there is a potential of saving personnel capaci-
ties since fewer instruments need fewer persons for oper-
ation. MODULAR system requires a skilled operator sim-
ilar in qualification to that of the existing analysers com-
pared in this study. However, this person must also be able to
cope with the validation of a large amount of data produced
within a short time or have autoverification available.
5.5. Practicability
The practicability of MODULAR system met or exceeded the
requirements of all participating laboratories for 91% of all
attributes rated. An opportunity for improvement was seen
in the time required to prepare the analyser for routine use
even though this was one half to three quarters of the time
required for the dedicated routine analysers. Apart from the
QC measurements which were processed directly before rou-
tine sampling start, the flexibility of MODULAR system with
background maintenance features allows other tasks to be
performed at any suitable time throughout the shift. Com-
pletion of initial QC measurements for the extended menu
processed at the diff erent sites took an average 30 minutes.
The main advantage mentioned by the evaluators was the
consolidation eff ect resulting in a simplified workflow with a
reduction of instruments, reduced overall processing time,
reduced hands-on time, and increased effi ciency without in-
creasing staffi ng, yet maintaining or even improving quality.
Our experience with the MODULAR ANALYTICS SWA in-
dicates that both functionally and practically the analyser is
a favourable addition to the clinical laboratory. Each of the
various module configurations included in this study is eas-
ily and effi ciently managed routine and nonroutine tasks in
the simulated routine scenarios. Overall, samples with com-
bined requests running in routine workloads, from a menu of
about 50 assays, were processed in approximately 35 minutes;
30 to 70 minutes including reruns and reflex testing. We saw
no negative eff ects in the quality or timely reporting of test
results when combining general clinical chemistry with het-
erogeneous immunochemistry assays on the same analyser.
In fact, we found that effi ciency was improved, and, in some
cases substantially decreasing sample turn-around time, op-
erator hands-on time, and personnel, while maintaining or
improving the quality of laboratory processes.
The authors wish to thank all of their coworkers in the re-
spective laboratories and departments participating in the
study for their excellent support. The MODULAR instru-
ment, personal computer with CAEv software, reagents, and
disposables were supplied by Roche Diagnostics for the du-
ration of the study.
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... More importantly, in a tertiary care setup, when at any given time, more than 500 to 700 in-house patients needed 24/7 care, inclusive of efficient turn around time (TAT) testing service from clinical lab, it is imperative to have updated analytical instruments and diagnostic techniques to ensure proficient, quality assured and wide range of services to its customers. However the success of medium-level and tertiary care clinical laboratories in providing superior and improved services 24/7, also placed the laboratories under pressure to do more and thus further enhance their technologies and diagnostic care [1][2][3][4] . In this regard, procuring better, more efficient, analytically advanced and user-friendly instruments is now became a principle, in other words, performance index (PI) for considering a clinical laboratory worthy of referring too [5,6] . ...
... In a routine practice in clinical laboratories, samples needed to be tested simultaneously on several instruments through aliquot preparations, to get a complete profile of patients. Similarly, if a single instrument can generate most of the requested profile of a patient, it still needs to organize its inefficiency, linear analytical steps, different reagents and individual maintenance schedules [1,4,5,10,11] . Procurement of modular system, that can generate maximum number of clinical chemistry profile of a patient within limited time frame, meant both better TAT and efficient delivery, is now been followed, both in developed and developing countries, including Pakistan [2,3] . ...
Inevitably, clinical laboratories are considered a backbone of diagnosis, treatments and management. The present study describes the comparative analysis of analytical precision of iron profile (iron, total iron binding capacity 'TIBC " , Ferritin) on two instruments, the stand-alone conventional Hitachi 912 chemistry analyzer and modular Cobas 6000 c501 system. All standard protocols and procedures were followed for present study with a total of 150 patients (Male = 75, female = 75). For instrumental precision, data originating from our conventional chemistry analyzer instrument (Hitachi 912, Roche Diagnostics), regarding iron, TIBC and ferritin were compared on another instrument, the modular Cobas 6000 c501 (Roche-Diagnostics). The iron profile components were analyzed according to standard methods as per manufacturer advices. Comparative analysis of all three parameters manifested considerably significant correlation regarding instrument to instrument precision and accuracy, which is clearly depicted by more than 90% R 2 in all three parametric regression viz in males: Iron; R 2 = 0.977, TIBC; R 2 = 0.985), Ferritin; 0.979 and in females: Iron ; R 2 = 0.937, TIBC; R 2 = 0.987, Ferritin; R 2 = 0.987. The analytical data showed appreciable regression R 2 correlation of 0.94 to 0.987 depicting efficiency of analytical testing, compatibility and precisions of all three parameters, iron, TIBC and ferritin on both instruments.
... As expected, the processing speed is driven by the number of CC modules. After 1 h, ~3000 requests are ordered on both configurations including one cobas c 701 or cobas c 702 module (3,4), ~3500 requests on the configuration that also includes a cobas c 502 module (1), and ~4100 requests on the dual cobas c 701 configuration (9). Similarly, the SPTs differ on configurations using a single versus dual highthroughput CC modules for similar workloads (SPT of 18 min for workload 9 using dual cobas c 701 modules versus 28 min for workload 3 using a single cobas c 701). ...
Clinical laboratories need to test patient samples precisely, accurately, and efficiently. The latest member of the Roche cobas modular platform family, the cobas 8000 modular analyzer series allows compact and convenient consolidation of clinical chemistry and immunochemistry assays in high-workload laboratories with a throughput of 3 to 15 million tests annually. Here we present the results of studies designed to test the overall system performance under routine-like conditions that were conducted at 14 laboratories over 2 y. Experiments that test analytical performance of the new module were integrated with overall system functionality testing of all modules in different configurations. More than two million results were generated and evaluated for ~100 applications using serum/plasma, urine, or EDTA blood samples. During the workflow studies, eight configurations of the possible 38 combinations were used, covering all available analytical modules. The versatility of the module combinations makes the system customizable to fit the needs of diverse laboratories, allowing precise and accurate analysis of a broad spectrum of clinical chemistry and immunochemistry parameters with short turnaround times. This new system will contribute to the ability of clinical laboratories to offer better service to their customers and support vital clinical decision making.
- José Luis Bedini Chesa
Desde el año 1994 en que apareció la monografía con el título "Selección y Evaluación de Sistemas Analíticos" ha variado mucho el panorama de dichos Sistemas Analíticos, principalmente teniendo en cuenta las normativas referentes a la certificación o acreditación de los Laboratorios Clínicos. La actualización de dicha monografía ha requerido una profunda revisión para poder proporcionar al profesional del Laboratorio Clínico y en particular a los socios de la SEQC de una herramienta práctica de ayuda en la selección y evaluación de dichos Sistemas Analíticos para cada laboratorio en particular. Han colaborado las Comisiones de Metrología y de Gestión de la SEQC para los temas dedicados a los protocolos de evaluación y estudio de costos respectivamente. Con todo ello, la Comisión de Instrumentación y Sistemas Analíticos de la SEQC pretende que la monografía sirva de ayuda y guía para la toma de decisiones correctas ante la perspectiva de renovaciones o cambios tecnológicos en el Laboratorio Clínico.
Unlabelled: The goal of this study was to compare the effects of liposomal and free glucocorticoid formulations on joint inflammation and activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis during experimental antigen-induced arthritis (AIA). A dose of 10mg/kg liposomal prednisolone phosphate (PLP) gave a suppression of the HPA-axis, as measured by plasma corticosterone levels in mice with AIA and in naïve mice. In a subsequent dose-response study, we found that a single dose of 1mg/kg liposomal prednisolone phosphate (PLP) was still equally effective in suppressing joint inflammation as 4 repeated once-daily injections of 10mg/kg free PLP. Moreover, the 1mg/kg liposomal PLP dose gave 22% less suppression of corticosterone levels than 10mg/kg of liposomal PLP at day 14 of the AIA. In order to further optimize liposomal glucocorticoids, we compared liposomal PLP with liposomal budesonide phosphate (BUP) (1mg/kg). At 1 day after treatment, liposomal BUP gave a significantly stronger suppression of joint swelling than liposomal PLP (lip. BUP 98% vs. lip. PLP 79%). Both formulations also gave a strong and lasting suppression of synovial infiltration in equal amounts. However, at day 21 after AIA, liposomal PLP still significantly suppressed corticosterone levels, whereas this suppression was not longer statistically significant for liposomal BUP. Conclusion: Liposomal delivery improves the safety of glucocorticoids by allowing for lower effective dosing. The safety of liposomal glucocorticoid may be further improved by encapsulating BUP rather than PLP.
Laboratory medicine has evolved from basic scientific observation and good experimental practice, with a strong emphasis on establishing the mechanisms of disease processes, linked with biomarker discovery, and development of analytical technologies. That evolution is set to move on apace with the mapping of the human genome. However, laboratory medicine is not solely based on robust basic science, but also on the translation of that knowledge into establishing the clinical utility of a marker, translation into evidence of the impact on health outcomes, as well as transformational change to integrate this new knowledge into the delivery of better care for patients. This translational research and the focus on transformational change are crucial in demonstrating value-for-money in the laboratory medicine service.
- W Bablok
- R Barembruch
- Wolfgang Stockmann
- D Vondersehmitt
The evaluation of new reagents and instruments in clinical chemistry leads to complex studies with large volumes of data, which are difficult to handle. This paper presents the design and development of a program that supports an evaluator in the definition of a study, the generation of data structures, communication with the instrument (analyser), online and offline data capture and in the processing of the results. The program is called CAEv, and it runs on a standard PC under MS-DOS. Version 1 of the program was tested in a multicentre instrument evaluation. The concept and the necessary hardware and software are discussed. In addition, requirements for instrument/host communication are given. The application of the laboratory part of CAEv is described from the user's point of view. The design of the program allows users a high degree of flexibility in defining their own standards with regard to study protocol, and/or experiments, without loss of performance. CAEv's main advantages are a pre-programmed study protocol, easy handling of large volumes of data, an immediate validation of the experimental results and the statistical evaluation of the data.
MODULAR ANALYTICS (Roche Diagnostics) (MODULAR ANALYTICS, Elecsys and Cobas Integra are trademarks of a member of the Roche Group) represents a new approach to automation for the clinical chemistry laboratory. It consists of a control unit, a core unit with a bidirectional multitrack rack transportation system, and three distinct kinds of analytical modules: an ISE module, a P800 module (44 photometric tests, throughput of up to 800 tests/h), and a D2400 module (16 photometric tests, throughput up to 2400 tests/h). MODULAR ANALYTICS allows customised configurations for various laboratory workloads. The performance and practicability of MODULAR ANALYTICS were evaluated in an international multicentre study at 16 sites. Studies included precision, accuracy, analytical range, carry-over, and workflow assessment. More than 700 000 results were obtained during the course of the study. Median between-day CVs were typically less than 3% for clinical chemistries and less than 6% for homogeneous immunoassays. Median recoveries for nearly all standardised reference materials were within 5% of assigned values. Method comparisons versus current existing routine instrumentation were clinically acceptable in all cases. During the workflow studies, the work from three to four single workstations was transferred to MODULAR ANALYTICS, which offered over 100 possible methods, with reduction in sample splitting, handling errors, and turnaround time. Typical sample processing time on MODULAR ANALYTICS was less than 30 minutes, an improvement from the current laboratory systems. By combining multiple analytic units in flexible ways, MODULAR ANALYTICS met diverse laboratory needs and offered improvement in workflow over current laboratory situations. It increased overall efficiency while maintaining (or improving) quality.
- H Baadenhuijsen
- P M Bayer
- H Keller
- H T Phung
We conducted an European multicentre trial to assess the performance of the new Boehringer Mannheim/Hitachi 717 analysis system. The photometer response was linear up to an absorbance of 2.8. The maximal CV of photometric imprecision was 0.5% for the wavelength pair 340/405 nm within the absorbance range 0.9 to 2.4. For the 13 analytes in our study, mean within-run imprecision was less than 2%, and mean between-day imprecision less than 2.5%. The results obtained with the Hitachi 717 instrument correlated closely with those of comparison instruments. Linearity for the various tests was high and exceeded the manufacturer's claims. No drift was detected during an 8-hour work period; carry over could not be detected under the chosen experimental conditions. The new instrument was readily accepted by the evaluators because of its ease of handling and simple daily maintenance.
- C. Ricós, V. Alvarez, F. Cava, J. V
A database with reliable information to derive definitive analytical quality specifications for a large number of clinical laboratory tests was prepared in this work. This was achieved by comparing and correlating descriptive data and relevant observations with the biological variation information, an approach that had not been used in the previous efforts of this type. The material compiled in the database was obtained from published articles referenced in BIOS, CURRENT CONTENTS, EMBASE and MEDLINE using ?biological variation & laboratory medicine? as key words, as well as books and doctoral theses provided by their authors. The database covers 316 quantities and reviews 191 articles, fewer than 10 of which had to be rejected. The within- and between-subject coefficients of variation and the subsequent desirable quality specifications for precision, bias and total error for all the quantities accepted are presented. Sex-related stratification of results was justified for only four quantities and, in thes...
Analytical performance and practicability of the new Boehringer Mannheim/Hitachi 747 analysis system were assessed in a multicentre evaluation involving four laboratories. The analytical performance was evaluated according to a protocol similar to the ECCLS guidelines and comprised 13 analytes including enzymes, substrates and electrolytes. About 65,000 results were obtained within three months. The evaluation was planned and supported by a program system called "Computer Aided Evaluation". Acceptance criteria have been established for judging the results. The median of the within-run coefficients of variation (CVs) in control sera of all methods was below 1%, being far below the acceptance limit of 2%. The median of CVs of between-days imprecision was below 2% (acceptance criterion 3%). The high degree of precision prompted us to set up a biometrical model suitable for the differentiation between deviant points, outliers and measurements that can still be explained by the system performance. No relevant drift effects were observed during eight hours. The methods were linear over a wide range, avoiding rerun analysis in most cases. No sample-related carry-over was found. Reagent-dependent carry-over outside the acceptance limits was measured from uric acid to phosphorus to a slight extent, and from triacylglycerols to lipase, as well as from total protein to bilirubin to a perceptible degree. It can be avoided by separating these reagent combinations in the channel arrangement. Taking a systematic deviation of more than 10% as unacceptable, four of the 13 analytes suffered from interference by haemoglobin, one by bilirubin and one by turbidity. The Boehringer Mannheim/Hitachi 747 analysis system is capable of determining serum indices which in combination with the interferogram allow an assessment of the interference. With the exception of chloride the recovery of the assigned values for all control sera showed values between 95 and 105%. Out of 40 method comparison studies for enzymes and substrates, 31 yielded regression equations with less than 5% proportional errors and less than 5% constant errors. Deviations exceeding these acceptance criteria can be explained by differences in the reagent formulation, in the method employed or in calibration. The agreement of the ISE method comparisons was within a +/- 5% deviation over a wide analytical range. Practicability of the Boehringer Mannheim/Hitachi 747 analysis system was assessed with the help of a questionnaire, in which properties of the instrument were quantified, thus permitting a relatively objective rating. The 190 questions were placed in 14 groups, each dealing with an attribute of the instrument.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
- C G Fraser
- Per Hyltoft Petersen
- C Ricós
A Working Group of the European Group for the Evaluation of Reagents and Analytical Systems in Laboratory Medicine proposes, after detailed study of the advantages and disadvantages of available strategies, the following quality specifications for analytical systems for clinical chemistry. Total imprecision should be: (a) less than one-half of the average within-subject biological variation, or (b) less than the state of the art achieved by the best 0.20 fractile of laboratories, whichever is the less stringent. The second approach may be used when data on biological variation do not exist. Inaccuracy should be: (a) less than one-quarter of the group (within- plus between-subject) biological variation, or (b) less than one-sixteenth of the reference interval, when data on group biological variation do not exist, or (c) less than twice the ideal imprecision, if the above specifications are too demanding.
- P.M.G. Broughton
- A. H. Gowenlock
- J J McCormack
- D.W. Neill
A revised scheme is described for evaluating automatic instruments used in clinical chemistry. Procedures are outlined for the assessment of mechanical and electrical features, and measurement of the accuracy and precision of individual units. Methods are given for the measurement of analytical precision, carryover, cross-contamination, accuracy, and linearity. The safety of equipment and methods of assessing costs are discussed, and the importance of subjective features is noted. The general principles of the evaluation scheme should be applicable to other types of equipment.
- R W Forsman
Market forces have dramatically influenced the environment in which healthcare is delivered, but these changes do not need to be interpreted negatively by community laboratorians. Only total vertical integration of laboratory medicine can control episode-of-care cost. Opportunities also exist for horizontal integration with community partners to provide geographical coverage and to compete favorably for managed care contracts. Lowering cost through "economies of scale" may apply to the procurement of supplies and equipment, but the delivery of services must be considered in the context of their overall effect on episode-of-care cost. Laboratory services may make up 5% of a hospital's budget but leverage 60-70% of all critical decision-making such as admittance, discharge, and medication. Laboratory outreach can help the medical center's financial stability by: (a) providing tests and service that can reduce or avoid a hospital stay; (b) using the additional volume of testing to distribute existing fixed costs and lower unit cost; and (c) adding revenue as a direct contribution to margin. To successfully compete for contracted managed care services, the laboratory must network with other providers to demonstrate comprehensive access and capacity. Community hospital laboratories perform 50% of all laboratory tests in this country and have adequate excess capacity to fulfill the remaining community needs.
A database with reliable information to derive definitive analytical quality specifications for a large number of clinical laboratory tests was prepared in this work. This was achieved by comparing and correlating descriptive data and relevant observations with the biological variation information, an approach that had not been used in the previous efforts of this type. The material compiled in the database was obtained from published articles referenced in BIOS, CURRENT CONTENTS, EMBASE and MEDLINE using "biological variation & laboratory medicine" as key words, as well as books and doctoral theses provided by their authors. The database covers 316 quantities and reviews 191 articles, fewer than 10 of which had to be rejected. The within- and between-subject coefficients of variation and the subsequent desirable quality specifications for precision, bias and total error for all the quantities accepted are presented. Sex-related stratification of results was justified for only four quantities and, in these cases, quality specifications were derived from the group with lower within-subject variation. For certain quantities, biological variation in pathological states was higher than in the healthy state. In these cases, quality specifications were derived only from the healthy population (most stringent). Several quantities (particularly hormones) have been treated in very few articles and the results found are highly discrepant. Therefore, professionals in laboratory medicine should be strongly encouraged to study the quantities for which results are discrepant, the 90 quantities described in only one paper and the numerous quantities that have not been the subject of study.
- Francisco L Redondo
- Pilar Bermudez
- Wolfgang Stockmann
The new selective access analyser Cobas Integra 800 from Roche Diagnostics was evaluated in an international multicentre study at six sites. Routine simulation experiments showed good performance and full functionality of the instrument and provocation of anomalous situations generated no problems. The new features on Cobas Integra 800, namely clot detection and dispensing control, worked according to specifications. The imprecision of Cobas Integra 800 fulfilled the proposed quality specifications regarding imprecision of analytical systems for clinical chemistry with few exceptions. Claims for linearity, drift, and carry-over were all within the defined specifications, except urea linearity. Interference exists in some cases, as could be expected due to the chemistries applied. Accuracy met the proposed quality specifications, except in some special cases. Method comparisons with Cobas Integra 700 showed good agreement; comparisons with other analysis systems yielded in several cases explicable deviations. Practicability of Cobas Integra 800 met or exceeded the requirements for more than 95% of all attributes rated. The strong points of the new analysis system were reagent handling, long stability of calibration curves, high number of tests on board, compatibility of the sample carrier to other Roche systems, and the sample integrity check for more reliable analytical results. The improvement of the workflow offered by the 5-position rack and STAT handling like on Cobas Integra 800 makes the instrument attractive for further consolidation in the medium-sized laboratory, for dedicated use of special analytes, and/or as back-up in the large routine laboratory.
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